Saturday, March 9, 2013

Constipation Continued... Poor Baby!!

In January at 4 1/2 months old, Charlotte started grunting when trying to poop. It was horrifying to watch her little face contort and go completely red! We laughed and tried to film it, not really realizing how constipated you were becoming.

As we went into the 5th month and went to Grandma Knapke's for Great Grandma Knapke's funeral, it was really, really bad. Uncle Tony taught us how to raise your legs to your chest to help you push it out. We rubbed your bloated belly to help you.

We had to start you on Miralax per doctor's instructions (1 teas. in 8 oz. formula) in late February because you had gone almost the entire month with only hard, dark milkdud-like turds, which worked like a charm. However, it was bad again this week. So bad that you pushed and pushed to no avail, but then when you did go, it was so big that it made you bleed down there, as I literally had to pull it out of you. So sad!!!

So, now we've cut out your night cereal alltogether and I give you 50% apple juice and 50% water (2 -4 oz) every other day. I try to cut out a fruit to make up for the extra calories you're getting, but the sugars in the fruit juice and the liquid really help. I pray this works for you. We added Miralax on Wednesday and you've gone pretty good, but if we stop, will you stay regular????

(Olivia did have the same problem earlier this month, but is better now with no assistance.)

Charlie trying to poo on 2/7

Thursday, March 7, 2013

2 or 3 naps... what to do?

We are going on vacation next week and we think that you're ready for 2 naps, but we're not sure.... I think that some days you could do it, and the next you really need to go down at that 2 hour mark. Your schedule has been this for the last 2 months, with just a small increase in amount of food, resulting in this as of today: 

730: 7 oz bottle
830 am 2TB oatmeal and fruit
10-12 nap
12p: 6 oz bottle
2-3p: nap
3 pm: 6 oz bottle
5-6p: nap 
6pm: 1TB oatmeal with fruit and veggies
730 bath
800 8 oz bottle and bed

My bigger question is: how do I get in another feeding and get you to 2 naps??  Monday and Tuesday we did this: 

730: 7 oz bottle
830 am 2TB oatmeal and fruit
10-12 nap
12p: 7 oz bottle
3 pm: 7 oz bottle
3-5: nap (one day it was only until 430, so I gave you a small bottle and fed dinner at 6)
530: fruit and veggies (cut out cereal here due to constipation issues)
730 bath
800 8 oz bottle and bed

But then Wednesday we went back to 3 naps because you were absolute fussy bears at 2 pm... and then you only slept 30 minutes. And then 30 minutes again at 5 (Olivia) and only 5 minutes at 5pm (Charlotte). So... today I will try 2 naps again! The key will be to more than 1 activity between 12-3 wake time. If you get bored, you fuss bad and it grates on my nerves and I give in too easily. I think we'll go shopping after your noon bottle! 

And now it's time for your cereal.... 

I love you so much!

That's all... my heart is just swelling today with love. Nothing abnormal, but wanted to tell you.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Binky Ups and Downs

Ah, the beloved, and often hated, binky. Charlotte LOVES it, Olivia likes it A LOT. We've struggled terribly over whether or not to let you have it. We only let you have it when you go to sleep, so it is super at signaling bedtime. We wrap you up, give you a binky, and you go to sleep immediately. Mommy LOVES that.

However, when you wake in the middle of the night, we have to replace that binky to get you to go back to sleep. That was fine when it was once a night, but there are nights that I drag myself out of bed every 30 minutes from 3am - 7am, which is just brutal. Daddy wants to "sleep train" you so that you learn to just cry and soothe yourself without this sleep crutch. I think the occasional rough night is a small price to pay for the convenience of your bedtime simplicity.

I have committed the sin of putting a blanket next to your face so that then binky doesn't fall when you open your mouth. I have shoved it in your mouth when you won't stop moaning in your sleep. I have panicked in the middle of the night when I can't find it. I have had nightmares about taking it away.

My doctor and fellow twin mother explained to me that I don't have to take it away. She explained that eventually you will learn to replace it yourself. So, I've convinced your father to keep the binky as long as it is strictly used for bedtime only.

So Charlotte; now I watch you pull it out of your mouth and play with it. I know now that you will do that for a period of time until you drop it and can't reach it, you loudly pout, and then I simply replace it and you sleep. Easy. But there are times that you've literally spit it at me too. I've also seen you successfully p lace it back in your mouth, tilt your head back, and fall asleep. Tonight was my favorite: you played, replaced it and tilted your head for sleep. You were so sweet suckling away.... except it was upside down. I can't explain why, but my heart swelled. Someday you'll not need my help anymore, but for now, you still do and I love it.

Miss Olivia: You need your bink to go to sleep, but if you wake up, you don't usually need it to go back to sleep. Your crutch is your blankie. You pull that think around your head every single time. That's how we know you're going to sleep :) You're so funny when I walk in the room-- I think you're playing peek-a-boo with me! You fake that you don't see me, then you snap down the blanket and smile that big gummy (one-tooth) smile!

Anyway... we're keeping the binkies and the blankets!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


I've been wanting to take you to a music class since I heard Aunt Lisa sing all those cute songs, but I just didn't know how to do it without help. Thankfully, Aunt Lisa arranged for us to go to Anthony's Little Birds class yesterday.  You loved it!!!! 

You even did great with me messing with your sleep schedule. You usually sleep 2 hours in the morning, but we woke you after just 20 minutes! The class and short nap wore you out, resulting in a 3 hour afternoon nap! I didn't care one bit about an off day -- it was worth it! We'll be joining one here in the spring. I think I can handle it now that you're sitting! YAY!

 Us with Aunt Rachel


Saturday, February 23, 2013

On the Road Again

We're visiting Aunt Lisa, Uncle Tony and cousin Anthony this weekend! We travel down to Ohio quite a bit-- this is our third trip in a month! This used to stress your mother out quite a bit, since you require us to bring half of the house with us where ever we go. The packing procedure has been perfected now and traveling to the DiRenzo's is easier since they half much of what you need. We left at 9 pm after your last bottle, and you slept the entire way. When we get where ever we're going, we simply lug the car seats to your pack and plays, carefully sack you up, give a binky and back to sleep you go. Such angels!

Now we can reap the rewards of a day of preparation-- 5 days with Mommy's family and a big break from our boring winter routine

Monday, February 18, 2013

These Long Winter Days

It's Monday again, and Daddy has left again for a business trip. (Deep sigh.) It's days like today that make me realize how lucky we are to have him at home most of the time. It makes me feel less isolated. We are in this house ALL the time because it's winter and you're still little and there's two of you, so I can't easily get you out of here. I swear that you get as bored as I do. 

Our schedule right now is so predictable, but I'm starting to wonder if it's time to switch it up--both for a new routine to get us out of a rut and because you're getting older and because I'd like you down to 2 naps for Florida. (It seems most sentences around here begin with "when we go to Florida..." We cannot stinkin' wait for warm weather, the ocean, long walks and Daddy and family around all the time!) 

7:30 or 8a: wake and bottle
9a: cereal and fruit
10a: nap
12p: bottle
2p: nap
3p: bottle
5p: nap
6p: veggies and fruits
7:30p: bath
8p: bottle
8:30p: bed

You rotate between belly time, jumper time, cartoons (though I hate it and feel like such a horrible mother when I turn it on), sitting up-- all with toys being switched in and out. It's a struggle every day to keep you entertained and help you develop while staying sane.  We're all on repeat, and it's really hard when we can't go anywhere. These 4 walls will be burned in your brain as much as mine. But despite our boredom- you're growing every day! It's like you're a different person today vs. last week. Amazing. Your smiles keep me going.  I look at you in awe, soak you up and know that even though this is so hard,  I will miss it someday. It's a time in my life that I wouldn't trade for anything in the world! 

So.... today I will research how to change to 2 naps. How do I get in 4 bottles and food? Do I drop a bottle and increase the ones you get? Do you sleep longer? How will I entertain you when you're getting tired? Should I just wait until you are clearly not tired after 2 hours of play to try this? When do I add more food? What baby food should I be making? How? Are you getting enough variety? When do finger foods start? 

What I do know is that I stressed so much on how to get you to sleep through the night. We kept changing things on you and stressing about getting you up to 6 oz bottles.... I don't need to do that again. You do what you want when you're ready. 

But still... should I try something new? 

(I will end here because I hear your breathing has changed from sleep to playing with your precious little hands. :) Love you!)